Labor and Personnel Policy
The Board of Directors, executives, and all employees of Siam JNK must recognize the importance of and respect human rights in all aspects of individuals, society, and communities, according to the laws of each country and international treaties each country is obligated to follow. This includes treating everyone equally according to human rights principles, without discrimination, avoiding actions that violate human rights, supporting and promoting human rights, communicating, disseminating, educating, understanding, establishing guidelines, monitoring, and supporting stakeholders.
- Respect human rights, treat each other with respect, dignity, and equality among stakeholders and all vulnerable groups without discrimination based on physical, mental, racial, national, ethnic, religious, gender, language, age, skin color, educational, social status, cultural, customary, or other differences.
- Exercise caution in performing duties to prevent the risk of human rights violations in business operations and commit to preventing harassment in all forms, including sexual harassment and other types of harassment.
- Siam JNK adheres to a non-discrimination policy, opposes harassment, and does not tolerate any form of harassment (both sexual and non-sexual). This policy mandates that any complaints received by the company will be taken seriously, kept confidential, and handled with empathy. If allegations are confirmed, appropriate remedial measures, disciplinary actions, dismissal, or legal proceedings will be taken.
- Communicate and disseminate the policy, provide knowledge, understanding, and establish guidelines and other support to employees, suppliers, business partners in the business value chain (Suppliers/Contractors in Business Value Chain), and joint ventures to engage in ethical business conduct, respect human rights, and treat everyone according to human rights principles as per this policy. Regularly verify understanding and provide training on human rights, including discrimination and harassment in the workplace, to all employees and relevant parties.
This announcement is effective from October 8, 2022.

Mr. Thiti Kantamanon
Chief Executive Officer, Siam JNK Group Co., Ltd.
Procurement Policy
To ensure the procurement processes of the Siam JNK Group are efficient and effective, with consistent practices leading to the sustainable development of companies within the Siam JNK Group, and to build confidence among stakeholders through transparent, fair, and auditable procurement operations, the company has established the following sustainable procurement policy for the Siam JNK Group:
- Procure goods and services with consideration for cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and effectiveness in terms of quality, price, and service to maximize benefits for the Siam JNK Group.
- Conduct procurement with a focus on business ethics, ensuring fairness to suppliers by providing accurate, complete, clear, and transparent information and treating suppliers equally. Additionally, listen to suppliers’ opinions and suggestions.
- Ensure procurement is transparent, fair, and auditable by strictly adhering to relevant regulations and laws, including risk management and good internal controls.
- Conduct procurement and manage suppliers sustainably by considering environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance (Environmental, Social, and Governance: ESG). Additionally, oversee suppliers to operate in accordance with the Siam JNK Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct (SCOC), which is part of sustainable supply chain management.
- Emphasize the importance of supplier management, building good relationships, and enhancing capabilities for continuous joint development.
- Manage knowledge within the Siam JNK Group and promote the use of technology to develop procurement capabilities and strive for excellence within the Siam JNK Group.
All executives and employees of the companies within the Siam JNK Group are responsible for supporting, promoting, and strictly adhering to the policy and management framework of the Siam JNK Group’s procurement processes.
This announcement is effective from October 8, 2022.

Mr. Thiti Kantamanon
Chief Executive Officer, Siam JNK Group Co., Ltd.
Environmental Policy
Siam JNK Group operates rental warehouse projects to comprehensively support the logistics industry. Siam JNK is committed to promoting and supporting operations that minimize environmental impacts while enhancing occupational health and safety for everyone in the organization, aiming for business growth alongside sustainable environmental management. Therefore, Siam JNK has established the following policy and commitments:
- Environmental Conservation: Siam JNK is committed to environmental preservation, pollution prevention, and workplace environmental improvement. This includes efficient and optimal use of resources and energy in consumption, waste control, and reuse (re-use). Siam JNK also plans for emergencies with appropriate methods and separates materials for recycling. Activities like Big Cleaning Day are organized to manage workplace resources, clean up, reduce consumable materials, and properly separate and dispose of materials that do not benefit the workplace and the environment.
- Environmental Objectives and Goals: Siam JNK sets environmental objectives and goals to prevent and mitigate environmental impacts from its activities and services. This includes selecting environmentally friendly materials and equipment, supporting eco-friendly products and services, avoiding environmentally harmful products, reducing the use of toxic chemicals in the workplace, and eliminating materials and products containing hazardous substances.
- Raising Awareness and Training: Siam JNK fosters environmental awareness, educates, and communicates its environmental policy to employees and those under its control. Training courses related to the environment, occupational health, and safety are provided to enhance knowledge and align practices with the environmental policy.
- Resource Management: Siam JNK manages the use of energy, utilities, and waste (e.g., water, electricity, solid waste) efficiently. The group conserves energy, uses resources effectively to reduce environmental impacts, and promotes the efficient use of limited resources through reduction, optimal use, and reuse. Employees are educated about environmental conservation and energy preservation, with the environmental policy communicated widely within the organization.
- Continuous Improvement: Siam JNK continuously improves its operations and enhances the working environment to meet safety standards and procedures. The company aims to reduce accidents, prevent occupational illnesses, and minimize risks that could impact occupational health and safety.
- Community Relations: Siam JNK fosters good relationships with society, the public sector, private sector, and other relevant organizations. The group supports and participates in activities aimed at conserving natural resources and the environment continuously.
This policy is announced and effective from October 8, 2025.

Mr. Thiti Kantamanon
Chief Executive Officer, Siam JNK Group Co., Ltd.
Human Rights Policy
Siam JNK Group operates rental warehouse projects to comprehensively support the logistics industry. Siam JNK is committed to conducting business ethically, with responsibility towards society and all stakeholders, in line with corporate governance principles and the Siam JNK Code of Conduct. In terms of human rights protection, Siam JNK strictly adheres to laws and international standards, especially supporting and complying with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), and the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (ILO). Siam JNK is dedicated to implementing its human rights policy to ensure its business activities are free from human rights violations.
The Board of Directors has deemed it appropriate to establish a human rights policy and guidelines to prevent human rights violations in all business activities of Siam JNK (Direct Activity), including its suppliers, contractors in the business value chain, and joint venture partners.
This policy and the human rights guidelines apply to all activities of Siam JNK (employees, direct business activities, products, and services) where Siam JNK has management authority, including Siam JNK operations, wholly-owned subsidiaries, and joint ventures. Siam JNK also expects and encourages its business partners, such as associated companies and joint ventures where Siam JNK does not have management authority, as well as contractors, suppliers, and other relevant parties, to support and comply with this policy.
Definitions Relevant to the Human Rights Policy
- Human Rights: Rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of differences in physical or mental condition, race, nationality, origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, language, age, skin color, education, social status, culture, customs, or any other legal aspects of each country, as well as under international treaties. These include rights to life and freedom, freedom from slavery and torture, protection from trafficking, abuse, forced labor, and child labor, freedom of opinion, association, and negotiation, fair working hours, equal compensation, education, personal data protection, health and safety, rights of minorities, and community rights. Everyone is entitled to these rights equally, without discrimination, respecting diversity and individual differences.
- Discrimination: Treating individuals unequally by imposing additional burdens or denying equal benefits, instead of treating individuals fairly based on their merits. Discrimination may also include harassment.
- Harassment: Unwelcome or unacceptable comments or actions directed towards an individual, which can include defamation, bullying, and other forms of non-sexual harassment. Sexual harassment involves unwanted sexual advances or conduct.
- Vulnerable Group: Individuals unable to protect their rights and benefits due to lack of power, education, resources, or strength, and who are at risk of human rights violations. This includes women, persons with disabilities, children, indigenous people, migrant workers, LGBTQI+ individuals, workers of business partners, and communities.
Human Rights Policy
The Board of Directors, management, and employees at all levels of Siam JNK must recognize the importance of and respect human rights in all aspects concerning every individual, society, and community, in accordance with the laws of each country and international treaties. This includes treating everyone equally under human rights principles, avoiding human rights violations, promoting human rights awareness, communicating and educating on human rights policies, setting guidelines, monitoring, and supporting relevant parties.
- Respect for Human Rights: Treat everyone with respect, honor, and equality, regardless of physical or mental condition, race, nationality, origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, language, age, skin color, education, social status, culture, customs, or any other legal aspects.
- Risk Prevention: Exercise caution in performing duties to prevent human rights violations in business operations.
- Harassment Prevention: Commit to preventing all forms of harassment, including sexual and non-sexual harassment. Siam JNK adheres to a non-discrimination policy, opposes harassment, and does not tolerate any form of harassment. Complaints received by the company will be taken seriously, kept confidential, and handled with empathy. If allegations are confirmed, appropriate remedial measures, disciplinary action, termination, or legal proceedings will follow.
- Communication and Training: Communicate and disseminate the policy, provide knowledge and understanding, set guidelines, and support employees, suppliers, contractors in the business value chain, and joint ventures. Ensure participation in ethical business practices, respect for human rights, and adherence to this policy. Regularly review and provide training on human rights, discrimination, and harassment in the workplace to all employees and relevant parties.
This policy is announced and effective from October 8, 2025.

Mr. Thiti Kantamanon
Chief Executive Officer, Siam JNK Group Co., Ltd.
Occupational Health and Environmental Policy
Siam JNK Group operates rental warehouse projects to comprehensively support the logistics industry. Siam JNK is committed to promoting and supporting operations that minimize environmental impacts while enhancing occupational health and safety for everyone in the organization, aiming for business growth alongside sustainable environmental management. Therefore, Siam JNK has established the following policy and commitments:
- Environmental Conservation: Siam JNK is committed to environmental preservation, pollution prevention, and workplace environmental improvement. This includes efficient and optimal use of resources and energy in consumption, waste control, and reuse (re-use). Siam JNK also plans for emergencies with appropriate methods and separates materials for recycling. Activities like Big Cleaning Day are organized to manage workplace resources, clean up, reduce consumable materials, and properly separate and dispose of materials that do not benefit the workplace and the environment.
- Environmental Objectives and Goals: Siam JNK sets environmental objectives and goals to prevent and mitigate environmental impacts from its activities and services. This includes selecting environmentally friendly materials and equipment, supporting eco-friendly products and services, avoiding environmentally harmful products, reducing the use of toxic chemicals in the workplace, and eliminating materials and products containing hazardous substances.
- Raising Awareness and Training: Siam JNK fosters environmental awareness, educates, and communicates its environmental policy to employees and those under its control. Training courses related to the environment, occupational health, and safety are provided to enhance knowledge and align practices with the environmental policy.
- Resource Management: Siam JNK manages the use of energy, utilities, and waste (e.g., water, electricity, solid waste) efficiently. The group conserves energy, uses resources effectively to reduce environmental impacts, and promotes the efficient use of limited resources through reduction, optimal use, and reuse. Employees are educated about environmental conservation and energy preservation, with the environmental policy communicated widely within the organization.
- Continuous Improvement: Siam JNK continuously improves its operations and enhances the working environment to meet safety standards and procedures. The company aims to reduce accidents, prevent occupational illnesses, and minimize risks that could impact occupational health and safety.
- Community Relations: Siam JNK fosters good relationships with society, the public sector, private sector, and other relevant organizations. The group supports and participates in activities aimed at conserving natural resources and the environment continuously.
This policy is announced and effective from October 8, 2025.

Mr. Thiti Kantamanon
Chief Executive Officer, Siam JNK Group Co., Ltd.